A: Feel very good. Hope it will move the Japanese fans, of course have the confidence of this movie succeeding it. This movie has received a lot of audience's affection, if it also has the same affection in Japan, I will be very happy. To describe what's the feeling now, it's the shaking due to nervouness, it's a very good feeling.
Q:Give a very lovely feelings, what to take note when portraying a female character?
A:In fact is I orginally a straightforward character, a very manly character. But in this movie, have to be hopfully as a neutral character. I orginally very manly, I won't dare to say what the feeling of portraying a female character but is it allow to have a little of being a neutral gender make me very doubtful, I can only observe women's delicate mannerism. For the sake of the character's image in this movie, I also look into other movies but there's no other characters that are similar, unable to observe. So I can only observe and learn about actresses' acting skills, especially the expression performance of the eyes.
Q:The training of this artistry skills very laborious?
A:The special training is in fact very laborious and the time is short. Have to gain a lot of skills in such a short time, the process of hard work is getting bigger, but won't be greedy to learn it faster, use a mindset of imitation to learn, minus my part, Gam Woo Sang shih rope-walking skills scenes are a lot more, so I feel Senior Woo Sang's parts are more laborious.
Q:In Daejung Awards records, you are the one who won most with the awards, Jun Ki himself also received the Popularity Award, how do you feel about this?
A:Very panicky, completetly unaware of what's happening. Before Daejung Awards, I had already attended other Awards Ceremonies, have the experience of receiving awards, also hope "The King and the Clown" itself will receive even more awards, only when receivng a lot of awards will feel lady luck is shining. The opposite of being happy is overpraised, overall is very happy.
Q:Receiving awards, before and after, is there any changes in reactions of surroundings and work?
A:In compare the changes that receiving the awards, the release of this movies are even greater, For example "syndrome" (unusual phenomenon) and "sensational" (stirring up characteristics), after had experienced those, after receiving the awards has no more feelings. Only hope "The King and the Clown" itself will have even more awards..if say that participating the filming of this movie, the conclusion is, has noticed the surrounding has changes, a lot of people know me and job opportunities have increased. There's a lot of movies has knocked my door and also take into good consideration about the path of my acting skills are leading to.
Q:It's going to air in Japan soon, what do you hope the Japanese audience to take note of which part in the movie?
A:This movie has no special specification partof (Please take note of here). Only hope it will stirred people's heartstrings into this movie. Please maintain a straight view while watching this movie. After finishing, will feel "It's this kind of moving feelings", and it's not from here (This part is very moving). This is a movie that is 100% that credit to the audience.
Q:Please say some words for the audience in ShowTime.
A:(In Japanese)The audience in ShowTime, first time we met, I am Lee Jun Ki. Very happy to meet all of you. This time because of attaining the Tokyo Film Festival, come to Japan, have the chance of meeting everyone. This movie is going to be aired in December, we will still meet again, this will be a terrific movie for everyone. Hope will convey that this movie with a straight point of view, if anyone can feel it, I am very happy. Very happy we will meet again. Must maintain a healthy lifestyle!

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