The movie, “The King and the Clown” which had swept across Korea’s box office
Will finally premiere on 9th of December 2006 across Japan’s cinemas.
Production costs were pretty modest at approximately $4.5 million dollars.
And it was the highest grossing Korean film in history with 12.3 million viewers
Until “The Host” surpassed the record in the second half of 2006
The King and the Clown is a period film set in the Chosun dynasty during the 16th century.
It tells the story of two itinerant jesters who end up performing at the court of a slightly mad king
And gets entangled into a web of jealousy and love between them.
And the actor who played the beautiful Gonggil
Is non other than Lee Junki who once acted in “Hotel Venus”
He is the one who shot to fame after the movie “The King and the Clown”.
Below is the interview conducted after Lee Junki arrives in Japan
Q: How do you feel after attending PIFF and TIFF consecutively?
JK:I feel very happy.
Regardless of whether it is PIFF or TIFF
I still feel very honored but yet very nervous
Luckily for me, there were many fans at TIFF to support and cheer me on
For if there were no fans present, I would surely be very nervous. (laughs)
Q: During TIFF, “The King and the Clown” was the first movie to be shown on screen.
As for yourself, how did you feel when you first saw this show?
JK: Well, I felt pretty shy and embarrassed. (laughs again)
Whenever I watched the show, I always have think to myself that I could have acted or performed much better in some of the scenes
However I was very lucky that there were many experienced actors and director around to help me cover up many of my flaws
Q: It is actually very difficult for historical films to gain popularity in Japan.
What is the reason you felt that led practically every household in Korea to watch “The King and the Clown”?
JK: Well, this is indeed a historical film.
However I felt that this movie is just like “The Scandal”
That reflects the present time situation
At the same time each and every of the actors who acted in “The King and the Clown” do have their own unique charm.
Most important of all, this is a movie of great substance
Q: The media constantly introduces this movie as a homosexual. What do you have to say about this?
JK: One should not make such a sweeping statement. For I feel that a good movie will be able to present its own unique charm. I wish to make use of this character Gonggil
To judge myself on my own acting skills. Naturally not everyone will view things the same as each other. But then, I am sure at least the underlying feeling is that this is a good movie.
Q: Although the character Gonggil is a male,you have managed to turn this character to a more androgynous look when acting as a feminine actor What are the problems you faced when you undertook this role?
JK: Perhaps it’s the unique small gestures and the way the females move their eyes
Also I feel that to break away from the image of Gonggil in the minds of many people
Is definitely not an easy task for me.
Q: When you took on the role as Gonggil, did you discuss about how you should go about preparing for this role, or did you take it on all by yourself?
JK: I did ask many people for their advice,
As I felt that my own acting is still not up to par, definitely no.
Hence I will consult my seniors and the producers during the meeting for their advice
And then consolidate their inputs and put it in my acting of Gonggil.
Q: If this is the case, what did you study in with regards to the females’ gestures and movements?
JK: I tried to go on to the web to search for similar movies
I also studied Hong Kong actor, Leslie Chung’s acting
In actual fact however, it is near impossible to search for a role as similar to Gonggil
Especially the eyes..
I have to study many female actresses to learn.
Q: So after acting the role of Gonggil, are there any differences when you look at women now?
JK: Well, as long it is a woman its fine for me.
Of course this isn’t what I meant exactly. (chuckles)
I can’t erase my habit of studying the feminine mannerisms of women
Previously I will feel very shy whenever I looked into a woman’s eyes
But after I had learned the art of “acting with eyes”,
The other party will always joked that I looked very “scary” (laughs again)
Q: The image of Gonggil is firmly imprinted in the minds of many people who watched the show. Thus do you also feel that this is a very effeminate character?
JK: As regardless of whether the pictures or mannerisms of Gonggil certainly looks like a woman.
There is nothing I can do about it I guess.
On the other hand,
I do feel quite happy to be able to give people such an image
Q: Will you demonstrate any female actions now and then unknowingly after the role of Gonggil?
JK: No, not at all now.
I have tried my best and had successfully
I really tried my best.
In that past half a year while I was filming “The King and the Clown”
I had to behave like a woman,
To cross my legs when I seat, exhibiting a gentle and delicate behavior,
To smile gently
Finally I managed to erase all that successfully within 2 months after the movie had finished filming
Q: What type of girls does Lee Junki like or prefer?
JK: Well, I like girls who have charisma.
Q: Is that all? You have only one condition? For her just to possess her own charisma and personality?
JK: Well, it would be a plus point if she has a cute face too. (laughs)
Q: You have kept your skin in top condition. Could you tell us what is the secret to your fantastic skin?
JK: The truth is, there isn’t any secret at all.
When I was filming Gonggil, I had to take special care of my face
But I didn’t realized that it is so troublesome
All I did is to sleep more to diminish my tiredness
Anyway I am still young. (laughs)
Q: What plans do you have for the next 10 years?
JK: I hoped that I can still continue acting
To do what I love to do
I will also find time to travel
And hope that I can live a happy and fufilling life.
Thank you very much”
“You have all worked hard”
Lee Junki spoke in fluent Japanese.
As the “The King and the Clown”
Has led Lee Junki to become one of the hottest stars in Korea,
And at the same time he had received many dramas, movies, commercials invitations
At the same time he is also involved in the filming of “Virgin Snow”
It shouldn’t be long before Lee Junki achieves success in the year 2007.
[シネマトゥデイ映画ニュース] 2006年の韓国映画界を沸かせた『王の男』の日本公開がいよいよ12月9日に迫った。低予算の時代劇映画が口コミでどんどん広まっていき、一人で何十回も見に行くマニアまで登場した『王の男』。韓国では異例のロングランで上映され、『グエムル/漢江の怪物』が登場するまでの約半年間、韓国映画史上最多の約1230万人観客動員数を保持した。朝鮮時代、宮廷芸人に成り上がった元大道芸人達、そして王と王の愛人とで繰り広げられる愛と嫉妬のドラマだ。
Q:ジュンギさんは周りに相談して役作りをするタイプですか? それとも自分の中でつきつめていくタイプですか?
Q:……あれ。1つでいいんですか? 愛嬌だけあればいいですかね?
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