Q: Where and when was your first kiss? I want to know who stole your lips.
JK: Well, this question is asked in every fan meeting. There are many opinions about my first kiss. That's because l change it every time. I think I did it in junior in high school. Whenever I have an interview, I recall the kiss scene. And I am confused when it was. It was when I was junior high school. In front of my girlfriend's house.
Q: In what clothes do you sleep? Nightclothes or a T-shirt? Or, a sleeveless undershirt? If you wear nightclothes, what color and what pattern? Tell us.
JK: Why should I wear something while sleeping? I don't wear anything. Sometimes, I sleep in a T- shirt, but I usually sleep in a trunk. I like to feel the soft and fresh hand of bedclothes.
Q: Do you sometimes find your own beauty in the mirror?
JK: Ah! In the mirror... It seldom occurs. But, sometimes I find myself sexy. I sometimes practice my facial acting in the mirror and I think about the role I might play. The most I looked into mirror was while filming 'King And The Clown '. My face was so keen in the past, but after the movie, it got a little smoother. I've never had a plastic surgery. There are many replies about Jun Ki Lee's plastic surgery, blah-blah. But, I have never did it. What about this pose? Chin up a little and look downward... If a man looks at this pose he might think it’s a crappy face. Nowadays, I have to usually act strong, I stare my eyes out.
Q: Nowadays, you are too busy even to sleep. In such a tight situation, how do you get rid of stress? You may get annoyed... How do you get rid of stress?
JK: Well... that's right... HaJunSe, SSaJunSe... well... Anyway, I look around several sites... In fact, I want to write many messages. But I write only in HaJunSe, LeeJunKi.com and my website (Jun Ki fan page).
What upsets me little is... you may be disappointed that... I didn't really do that. Because I was afraid I might forget it if I write on many sites. I selected them. Please understand me. After all, we are the same family. Anyway, when I am tired, I read your replies and change the background music of my website. And I play games and I have a drink.
Q: Who are in zero to five of the speed on your mobile phone? Who is more, man or woman? What are your mobile phone ring tone and coloring?
JK: Zero is father, parents, and my manager. Leave me your phone numbers before you leave. If I have a girlfriend, I will save her number in 0. And my phone number is... And if you meet my friends, ask them how rare I call them. I hardly call them, really. I have used my phone for 4 years but only 100 numbers are saved. Furthermore among them 40 numbers should be deleted.
And my phone coloring is 'Destiny', the OST of 'King And The Clown.' And for ring tone, what's you say? If 'Palpitating stalker' gets famous through this fan meeting. I will use it as my ring tone.
Q: How much do you spend in a month for pocket money? And on what do you usually spend?
JK: I received my allowances till junior or senior. After that, I worked for it...
Q: But, do you get any from my parents sometimes?
JK: I save everything I earn. I have nothing to spend on. And I invested a little here and there. And I will continue to spend money in fan meetings. This time is Episode 1, so it is not so striking but the next fan meeting will be doubled. You are dead meat!
And, I have a little get-together with my friends with the money left. Nowadays, I do not have much free time. So I have a drink with them sometimes. That's all.

Q: You said you could deal with four years older gals. Is it impossible if more than four years?
JK: Are elder sisters here? When I visit their Internet message boards, I find them quite old... And from only messages, they look like my real sisters. And I've never given a thought to four years older, just that four years younger and four years would be nice, on average. By the way, what does age have to do with love? This is not just lip service, I really think so.
Q: When I see you on TV, you seem to be very sweet. If you have a girlfriend, how will you make yourself delightful to her? Please show us.
JK: I am kind of sweet if I have a girlfriend. Say, just a short time ago, I studied the sweet behaviors for my girlfriend reading comic books. And nowadays, I have practiced some to show you. If you have known me in for years, you must know my Jjanggu behaviors. And I have uploaded my recent sweet behaviors on the website. This way, I am studying them by myself. I have developed a new item recently. I will show one to you on another stage. If I do odd behaviors, you may consider it as my sweet behavior.
Q: Your girlfriend comes out on a date with you. But, she wears lower-cut dress than usual times. She is gaudily dressed. Then, what would you do?
JK: I think it's natural. I will be thankful to her. How pretty will she be? She is my lover and she would have a strong personality. Now starting tomorrow... don't dress heavily...
Q: Do you believe in the world after death? Do you believe that a ghost exists? How about aliens?
JK: Who on earth ask me this question? I am one of those who believe in the existence of ghosts. But I think ghosts are not the existence to float and surprise people but the existence of an energy. In my case, I was too exhausted yesterday and I flopped on the ground. But today, on the stage, I am high-spirited. In other times, my legs gave away. We rehearsed till morning, and my legs were so weak to stand. But, while performing I never found it difficult. So, I was really worried. I believe in miracle rather than the existence of ghosts. So, it seems that you are more precious to me.

Q: What part do you want to play in the future? And what is the character you feel most confident?
JK: What did you say? You don't like the character I want to act. So, I think I should be a partner with a man every time. Just once... as an actor... As an actor, I wish I could act in a melodrama for once. a real melodrama not a sticky melodrama. You know, beautiful melodramas 'l cry for love in the center of the world.' Kind of young melodrama. I wish I could do it. And, there isn't a character that I am confident yet.
Q: I think you must be offended when you see your anti on the Internet. What do you think of it? Give me a straight answer, please. Thank you.
JK: Who is free from his anti? Is there anyone who comes from JunTiKa (Lee Jun Ki's anti site) here? JunTiKa... Yes? When I first saw my anti, I was really offended. And there was a shameful thing early this year. At first, I was too embarrassed to do anything for three days. It was my first time to be offended... Then, my family was the most helpful to me. Then, my fan increased by geometric progression. If anti messages got on, they removed them immediately. Oh! They were very aggressive. And now, actually I don't know what to say. I really enjoy it. Maybe, I get abnormal. Even in my case, I dislike a person for no particular reason. And I forget it if after a drink. In fact, it's impossible for me to have a drink with them one by one. I just enjoy it. They must forget it as time goes by. I think they are not those who concern about me for a long time and take me serious. They must think there is Lee Jun Ki who they want to make fun of. I don't care about it. And, if I really do something wrong, I would apologize to you first. I will not apologize to them first.
Q: What do you want to look like in 30 years as an actor, in family or in human relations?
JK: They ask me how many children I want. I like a daughter. But I may be afraid of letting her out. I want to have a son and a daughter. And I am not sure if I will be still an actor then. At present, I think I will keep on acting. If I do anything else except acting,... A singer? I think that an actor should act. It’s nonsense to be a singer. I will be a singer only at my fan meeting. I can be not only an actor but also a singer to you. If I sing anywhere, that's not what I want. I will not be a singer. I wish I could be just an ordinary person to earn just enough to live on.
Q: This is the last question. If you have a magic lamp to grant three wishes, what wishes would you make?
JK: First is to give a present to all of you although I cannot know how many are here and where you live. I want to give something to you all. The second is that my life could be extended. I wish to live long. The third is that my parents could stay healthy at all times.
Oh, it was the last thing. It's over. Well, how about this? I gave you straight answers. Do you think so? What is it used for if I tell a lie here? I said to ask me more intense questions. In the next fan meeting, use the message boards.
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